Benjamin W. Zweifach Award

In 1978, the members of the Microcirculatory Society, Inc. established The Benjamin W. Zweifach Award ($2,000, a certificate and an engraved gold medal) to be given at the World Congress for Microcirculation. The award recognizes the achievements of internationally renowned individuals whose careers have been noteworthy and who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of our knowledge of microcirculation.

Prior to the World Congress for Microcirculation, members of the Microcirculatory Society and other Microcirculation Societies around the world will be requested to submit nominations for the award to the Chair of the Awards CommitteeThe nomination packet should include a letter of nomination, letters of support (optional), a list of the nominee's ten most significant publications in the past ten years prior to the WCM, and the nominee's Curriculum Vitae. The ten most significant publications during the ten calendar years preceding the presentation of the award are the principal basis for selection. The awardee will be invited to present a brief summary of his or her research career.

The deadline for the 2023 Zweifach Award was May 15, 2023. 


Benjamin Zweifach

 Benjamin Zweifach


Previous winners of the award are:

1979 Christian Crone - Copenhagen, Denmark
1984 Eugene M. Renkin - Davis, California, U.S.A.

1988 Bjorn Folkow - Goteborg, Sweden
1991 Shu Chien - San Diego, California, U.S.A.
1996 Olga Hudlicka - Birmingham, U.K.
2001 David Shepro - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
2007 Brian R. Duling - Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.A.
2010 Ruijuan Xiu - Beijing, China
2015 D. Neil Granger, Shreveport, Louisiana, U.S.A.
2018 Steven S. Segal, Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A.

2023 Luis Martinez-Lemus, Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A.