Eugene M. Landis Research Award

This annual award was established in 1969 to recognize an outstanding investigator in the field of microcirculation who is in residence in the United States or Canada. The awardee is expected to be a member of the Microcirculatory Society, an active investigator who has published and continues to provide meritorious research in the field of microcirculation. The award consists of a certificate and $2000 to be used to defray the cost of travel to the annual meeting to receive the award or otherwise at the discretion of the awardee.

To nominate an individual for this award, a letter of nomination describing the nominee's most important work, a current CV, including a list of the nominee's 10 most significant publications from the last 10 years.   The nominee must be a member of the society in good standing at the time of the nomination.  This information should be forwarded to the Chair of the Awards Committee by December 15, and the award will be announced and presented in the subsequent year. The award will be presented at the annual meeting of the Microcirculatory Society and the awardee will be invited to present a brief lecture related to his or her professional and research career activities. Awardees are expected to publish their formal lecture in Microcirculation as a 'Highlighted Manuscript'.

The deadline for the 2024 Landis Award is December 15, 2023. Nominations should be updated as a single PDF here. Questions may be directed to the Awards Committee Chair, Josh Butcher.

Photo of Eugene M. Landis

Eugene M. Landis

Previous recipients of the Landis Award:

2023: Akos Koller
2022: Timothy Secomb
2021: No Award Given
2020: Sarah Yuan
2019: Michael Hill
2018: David Gutterman
2017: Klaus Ley
2016: Steven Segal

2015: Dai Fukumura
2014: William M. Chilian
2013: Julian Lombard
2012: Roland Pittman
2011: Michael J. Davis
2010: Ulrich H Von Andrian
2009: Aleksander S. Popel
Geert Schmid-Schönbein
Gerald A. Meininger
William I. Rosenblum
Virginia H. Huxley
Robert W. McCuskey
Walter N. Durán
2002: Robert W. Gore
Donald Heistad
Karl-E. Arfors
Marcos Intaglietta

1998: D. Neil Granger
1997: H. Glenn Bohlen
1996: Rakesh K. Jain
1995: James B. Bassingthwaighte
1994: Gabor Kaley
1993: Fitz-Roy Curry
Harris J. Granger
1991: No Award Given

1990: Norman C. Staub
1989: Hermes Kontos
1988: Brian R. Duling
David Shepro
Alan C. Groom
Aubrey E. Taylor

1984: Harry L. Goldsmith
1983: Shu Chien
1982: Carl A. Goresky
1981: Harold Wayland
1980: Sidney S. Sobin
Paul A. Nicoll
Francis P. Chinard
Eugene M. Renkin
Paul C. Johnson
Y.C. (Bert) Fung
1974: No Award Given
Silvio Baez
Curt A. Wiederhielm
Benjamin W. Zweifach
Johannes A.G. Rhodin