Congratulations to the 2020 Landis Award Winner, Dr. Sarah Yuan!

It is our pleasure to announce that Dr. Sarah Yuan will be the recipient of the 2020 Eugene M. Landis Research Award for her outstanding contributions to the field of microvascular research. Dr. Yuan, who currently is the Chair of the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine, epitomizes the Microcirculatory Society and the importance of microvascular research. As a nationally recognized leader in investigating blood-endothelial cell interactions, Dr. Yuan has helped shape the Microcirculatory Society for over 30 years. Dr. Yuan’s impacts span from her cutting-edge theories on the molecular mechanisms that control microvascular permeability during normal and pathological conditions to her seminal development of innovative techniques, including the cannulated venule model for measuring permeability and protein/DNA transfection to intact isolated microvessels. More recent contributions are highlighted by discoveries that have significantly advanced our understanding of the complex interactions between signaling molecules and structural elements of endothelial cytoskeleton, junctions, glycocalyx, and focal adhesions that regulate vascular barrier function. Through her high impact publications, extensive service on NIH grant review panels, successful mentoring of junior scientists, and creation of opportunities for others, Dr. Yuan has guided the national research agenda focused on the microcirculation. Congratulations Dr. Sarah Yuan!

Excerpt from an interview with Dr. Yuan after receiving news about the award:

What one piece of advice would you give to a graduate student starting in our field?

Look for a mentor who is not only good at science, but also cares about your career development.